Focused on Social Strategy: Building a Digital Presence
John Schibelli
John Schibelli

Wie Sie soziale Medien nutzen, um sich richtig zu vermarkten, und was Sie vermeiden sollten

Mastering the Art of Social Media: Build Your Brand, Engage Authentically, and Avoid Common Pitfalls

3. Oktober 2024

How to Use Social Media to Properly Market Yourself and What to Avoid


In today’s digital age, your online presence can either propel you forward or hold you back. Social media is a powerful tool for marketing yourself and building your brand, but it also requires careful navigation. This article will cover the do’s and don’ts of social media marketing, highlight best practices, and share how I personally use these platforms to ensure success while avoiding pitfalls.

The Do’s of Social Media Marketing

  • Consistency in Branding: Across all platforms, from LinkedIn to Instagram, your brand should be instantly recognizable. This includes using the same logo, color scheme, and tone of voice.

  • Engage Authentically: Respond to comments, answer questions, and engage with your audience in a way that reflects your personality and values. Authentic engagement builds long-term trust.

  • Follow Trends Strategically: While it’s great to be aware of social media trends, don’t jump on every one. Stick to those that align with your brand and goals.

The Don’ts of Social Media Marketing

  • Avoid Controversy: Stay away from divisive topics like politics, religion, and controversial social issues unless it directly aligns with your brand and you are prepared for the potential backlash.

  • Don’t Post Impulsively: Think before you hit “post.” Once something is online, it can be difficult to erase, even if deleted. Take a moment to ensure your message is clear and on-brand.

  • Beware of Personal Opinions on Public Matters: Sharing negative opinions about people or companies can damage your credibility and relationships.

Best Practices for Social Media Marketing

  • Plan and Schedule Content: Use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts and maintain a steady online presence. This ensures you’re active without needing to constantly monitor.

  • Mind Your Privacy Settings: Regularly review your privacy settings and be mindful of what’s visible to the public. You don’t want personal details falling into the wrong hands.

  • Monitor Your Digital Footprint: Keep an eye on how your name is used online. Use alerts like Google Alerts to track any mention of you or your brand, and address negative or inaccurate information quickly.

Topics to Stay Away From on Social Media

When it comes to personal branding, some topics are better left out of your social media posts. Here’s a list of things to avoid:

  1. Politics

    : Avoid divisive political debates unless central to your brand.

  2. Religion

    : Like politics, religious discussions can alienate parts of your audience.

  3. Controversial Social Issues

    : Topics like abortion or gun control can trigger heated debates.

  4. Criticizing Others

    : Publicly bashing people or brands can damage your credibility.

  5. Misinformation

    : Never post without verifying facts.

  6. Profanity or Inappropriate Humor

    : Off-color jokes or language can offend your audience.

  7. Highly Emotional Rants

    : Avoid using social media as a venting platform.

  8. Illegal or Questionable Activities

    : Even in jest, illegal behavior should not be portrayed.

  9. Excessive Personal Information

    : Too much personal detail can compromise privacy.

  10. Workplace Matters

    : Complaining about your job or colleagues online can backfire.

The Importance of Consistency Between Your Website and Social Media

One key aspect of successful personal branding is ensuring consistency between your professional profiles and website. Here’s why this is crucial:

  • Unified Branding: Ensure that your social media profiles match the tone and appearance of your website. This creates a professional, cohesive identity that people can easily recognize.

  • Profile Pictures and Bios: Keep your profile picture and bio information consistent across platforms to strengthen brand recognition. Your audience should see the same core messaging wherever they find you.

  • Content Alignment: The content you share on social media should complement what’s on your website. If your website focuses on professional services, your social media posts should support and promote those services.

  • Tone and Voice: Whether on your website or Twitter, maintaining a consistent voice is key. Stick to the same tone to prevent confusing your audience about who you are and what you stand for.

  • Cross-Promotion: Use your social media to link back to your website and vice versa. This drives traffic between platforms and enhances your overall presence.

How I Use Social Media to Build My Brand

In my own experience, I use social media to extend the reach of my personal brand. My Facebook series, Mr. Schibelli Does Stuff, is an example of how I creatively engage with my audience. I balance humor and creativity while making sure not to venture into areas that might harm my personal or professional image. By maintaining consistency across platforms, I ensure that the tone, style, and message of my series align with my website and professional profiles.

This balance of fun and professionalism helps me create engaging content while avoiding the common traps of social media.


Social media can be a tremendous asset to your personal brand if used wisely. By following these do’s and don’ts, keeping your messaging consistent, and being mindful of what you post, you can effectively market yourself without risking potential pitfalls.

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