Cooking Up React Components: A Developer's Recipe
John Schibelli
John Schibelli

React Hooks: The Secret Sauce You Didn't Know You Needed

Unlocking Simplicity and Elegance in Your React Apps with Hooks

September 15, 2024

React has revolutionized front-end development with its declarative and component-based approach. With the introduction of Hooks in React 16.8, developers gained powerful tools for managing state and side effects without the need for class components. Two of the most commonly used Hooks are useState and useEffect, which handle state management and side effects, respectively.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into how these Hooks work, why they are useful, and how they can enhance your React development experience.

Understanding useState: State Management Made Simple

One of the fundamental concepts in React is state. Previously, state was only available to class components, which often led to complex code and cumbersome syntax. The useState Hook changed that by allowing functional components to manage their own state.

What Is useState? useState is a Hook that lets you add state to functional components. State in React is essentially a JavaScript object that holds dynamic data that can change over time. Unlike props, which are passed from parent to child components and are immutable, state is mutable and managed within the component.

The useState Hook provides a way to declare a piece of state and a function to update that state. It accepts an initial state value and returns an array with two elements: the current state value and a function to update it.

Why Use useState? The main benefit of useState is its simplicity. Managing state within a functional component without needing to convert it to a class component reduces code complexity. It’s also ideal for managing small, isolated pieces of state, such as form inputs, counters, or toggling UI elements.

Since useState can be called multiple times within the same component, it gives you flexibility in managing different pieces of state independently, making the code more modular and readable.

Common Use Cases for useState:

  • Forms:

    Managing the values of form inputs such as text fields, checkboxes, and radio buttons.

  • Toggles:

    Controlling the visibility of elements, like modals or dropdown menus.

  • Counters:

    Keeping track of a numeric value that can increment or decrement, like a shopping cart count or pagination.

useEffect: Side Effects in Functional Components

Handling side effects in React applications is crucial for tasks such as fetching data from an API, updating the DOM directly, or setting up subscriptions. In class components, lifecycle methods such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount were used to manage these tasks. With Hooks, the useEffect Hook provides an easier and more consistent way to manage side effects in functional components.

What Is useEffect? useEffect is a Hook that allows you to perform side effects in your components. A side effect is any operation that affects something outside of the component, such as data fetching, manually manipulating the DOM, or setting up a subscription. Unlike useState, which handles local state, useEffect handles actions that need to happen outside the component’s logic.

The useEffect Hook runs after every render by default, but it can be controlled to run only under specific conditions, making it highly flexible and efficient.

Why Use useEffect? useEffect simplifies the management of side effects by combining the functionality of multiple lifecycle methods in one place. It not only handles tasks like fetching data when the component is mounted, but it also allows you to clean up after your effects, similar to componentWillUnmount.

The real power of useEffect comes from its ability to depend on certain state variables. By specifying dependencies, you can control when useEffect runs, preventing unnecessary re-renders and optimizing your component's performance.

Common Use Cases for useEffect:

  • Data Fetching:

    Making API calls to retrieve data when the component mounts or when certain conditions change.

  • Subscriptions:

    Setting up or tearing down subscriptions to external data sources, such as WebSockets or event listeners.

  • DOM Manipulation:

    Directly interacting with the DOM, for example, updating document titles or managing scroll positions.

  • Timers:

    Setting up intervals or timeouts for tasks that need to happen asynchronously.

The Relationship Between useState and useEffect

Often, useState and useEffect work together in harmony. A common scenario involves updating a piece of state and then running side effects in response to that state change.

For example, after making an API request with useEffect, you may need to store the retrieved data in state using useState. Conversely, when a state changes, you might want to trigger a side effect, such as logging data or updating the UI.

One key concept in React is that any state changes initiated with useState will cause a re-render, which may, in turn, trigger useEffect to run. This loop can be controlled by carefully specifying dependencies to ensure the effect only runs when necessary.

The Dependency Array in useEffect

The useEffect Hook has an optional second argument, called the dependency array. This array determines when the effect should be run. By default, useEffect will run after every render, but by providing a list of dependencies, you can control precisely when it should be executed.

  • No Dependency Array: The effect will run after every render.

  • Empty Dependency Array: The effect will run only once after the initial render.

  • Specified Dependencies: The effect will run only when the specified dependencies change.

This mechanism ensures that effects are optimized and not unnecessarily run when irrelevant state variables are updated.

Cleanup with useEffect

Another powerful feature of useEffect is its cleanup function. This allows you to clean up resources or subscriptions when a component is unmounted or when the effect is about to re-run due to changes in dependencies. The cleanup function is defined within the useEffect callback and is particularly useful for tasks like removing event listeners or canceling API requests.

Best Practices for useState and useEffect

  1. Manage State in Logical Groups: Break your state down into small, manageable pieces. Instead of a single state object, use multiple useState calls for clarity.

  2. Avoid Unnecessary Effects: Be cautious with useEffect to prevent excessive re-renders. Use the dependency array to control when the effect runs.

  3. Clean Up After Effects: Always include a cleanup function when needed to prevent memory leaks and unintended side effects.

  4. Don’t Overcomplicate: While Hooks are powerful, overusing them can make your code difficult to understand. Use them judiciously for state and side effect management.


React’s useState and useEffect Hooks have transformed the way developers manage state and side effects in functional components. With useState, managing local component state is simple and intuitive, and useEffect makes it easy to perform tasks like data fetching, subscriptions, and DOM manipulation. Together, they provide a powerful toolkit that enhances the flexibility and simplicity of functional components.

By understanding how these Hooks work and following best practices, you can build more efficient and readable React applications while taking full advantage of the modern features introduced by Hooks.

About Me

John Schibelli is a distinguished Full Stack Web Developer with a rich history of impactful contributions to the tech industry. Since joining Intraweb Technology in October 2020, where he serves as the owner and president, John has demonstrated unparalleled expertise in web development, solidifying his reputation as a leading developer in his field. His innovative approach and dedication to excellence are evident through his creation of, a modern, dynamic platform showcasing his mastery in NEXT.js, React, and GraphQL.
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