
The Relaunching of A Modern Development Approach

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John Schibelli
John Schibelli
Posted underWeb Development

Introduction has recently undergone a transformative relaunch, adopting a modern development approach that sets new standards in web design and functionality. This article delves into the technicalities and innovations behind the relaunch, focusing on the use of NEXT.js and REACT to decouple the frontend from the backend, the enhancement of the resume section, the integration of GraphQL in the blog, and the lessons learned throughout the development process.

The Evolution of

From its inception, has been a platform for showcasing technical prowess and creativity. The relaunch signifies a pivotal shift, emphasizing not just aesthetic enhancements but also substantial backend improvements. This section explores the site’s evolution and the rationale behind its latest transformation. has undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from a simple personal portfolio to a sophisticated platform showcasing cutting-edge web development techniques. This journey reflects a dedication to continuous learning, experimentation, and a deep passion for technology.

Early Beginnings and Initial Concept

The inception of can be traced back to its humble beginnings as a basic portfolio site, designed to showcase my skills and projects. Initially, it served as a digital resume, providing a space for potential employers and collaborators to explore the creator’s work.

Transition to a More Dynamic Platform

As the digital landscape evolved, so did Recognizing the need for a more interactive and engaging user experience, the site began to incorporate more dynamic features. This shift marked the first major evolution, transitioning from a static presentation to a more immersive digital environment.

Embracing Modern Web Technologies

The adoption of modern web technologies like NEXT.js and REACT signified a significant leap forward for These tools enabled the decoupling of the frontend and backend, allowing for more flexible and scalable development. This evolution was not just about adopting new technologies but also about embracing a modern development philosophy that prioritizes modularity and efficiency.

Decoupling Frontend from Backend

Decoupling the frontend from the backend represents a significant leap in web development, offering flexibility, scalability, and improved user experience. By employing NEXT.js and REACT, achieves a modular architecture, where each part operates independently yet cohesively. This section explains the decoupling process and its benefits in the context of the site’s relaunch.

The decoupling of the frontend from the backend is a significant trend in modern web development, offering a more flexible, scalable, and efficient way to build and maintain websites.’s adoption of this approach through NEXT.js and REACT is a testament to its commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance user experience and site performance.

Understanding Decoupling

Decoupling refers to the separation of the frontend (the client side) and the backend (the server side) of a website or application. This separation allows developers to work on each part independently, using the most suitable technologies and frameworks for each. It also facilitates easier updates, maintenance, and scalability.

Advantages of Decoupling

  • Flexibility: Developers can choose specific technologies for the frontend and backend based on their strengths, without being constrained by a monolithic architecture.
  • Scalability: Scaling the website becomes more manageable, as the frontend and backend can scale independently according to their specific resource requirements.
  • Improved Performance: With decoupling, the frontend can be optimized for speed and user experience, while the backend focuses on data management and server-side processing, leading to an overall performance boost.
  • Enhanced Security: Separating the frontend from the backend can improve security by minimizing the attack surface. Issues on one end do not directly compromise the other.

Implementation on

Using NEXT.js and REACT: leverages NEXT.js for server-side rendering and REACT for its dynamic user interface. NEXT.js allows the website to enjoy the benefits of a pre-rendered frontend, improving load times and SEO, while REACT facilitates building a responsive and interactive user experience.

Development Workflow: This separation allowed the development team to streamline their workflow, focusing on frontend user interactions without being bogged down by backend processes and vice versa. It also made it easier to implement changes or updates in one area without disrupting the other.

Impact on User Experience

The decoupling has significantly improved the site’s user experience. Pages load faster, interactions are more responsive, and the overall look and feel of the site are more modern and engaging. Users benefit from a seamless experience, whether they’re browsing the portfolio, reading the blog, or exploring the resume section.


By decoupling the frontend from the backend, is better positioned to adapt to future technological advancements. The site can integrate new frontend technologies or switch backend services with minimal disruption, ensuring it remains at the forefront of web development trends.

Showcasing Resume Section

The resume section of is a prime example of how innovative web development techniques can transform a conventional element into a dynamic and interactive experience. By leveraging custom fields and custom post-types, the website showcases my employment history in a detailed and engaging manner, setting a new standard for online resumes.

Innovative Use of Custom Fields and Post-Types

Custom Fields: These allow the addition of extra information to posts or pages. On, custom fields are used to add unique details to each employment entry, such as job titles, dates, responsibilities, achievements, and technologies used.

Custom Post-Types: Tailored post-types are created to organize and differentiate various content types on the site. For the resume section, a specific post-type for employment history entries ensures that each position is displayed correctly and cohesively.

Dynamic Data Presentation

The resume section dynamically maps through the employment entries, presenting each job in an organized and accessible format. This approach allows visitors to quickly grasp the timeline and details of my professional journey.

      { => (
        <div key={}>
          <div className="employer my-20">
            <ul className={styles.timeline}>
              <li className={styles.employerList}>
                <span className={styles.lineLeft}></span>
                <div className={styles.year}>
                  <span className={}>
                    {formatDateString(employer.acf.end_date) || "Present"}
                  <span className={styles.from}>
                <div className={styles.content}>
                  <h4 className={styles.title}>{employer.acf.job_title}</h4>
                  <h5 className={styles.subtitle}>
                    {employer.title.rendered} - {employer.acf.location}
                  <div className={}>
                        __html: employer.content.rendered || "",

Interactive elements, such as expandable sections or modal windows, provide additional details about each position, ensuring that the user can delve deeper into the information if interested.

Enhancing User Experience

The resume section is designed with the user in mind, offering a smooth and intuitive experience. Users can easily navigate through the employment history, getting a comprehensive view of my skills and experiences.

Visual cues, such as icons or progress bars, represent skill levels or duration, adding a graphical element that enhances readability and engagement.

Integration with Other Site Features

The resume section is not an isolated feature but is integrated with other parts of the website. For example, links to portfolio pieces or blog posts related to a specific job position can provide a more in-depth look at my capabilities and achievements.

Testimonials or endorsements related to each position could be incorporated, offering a multifaceted view of my professional standing.

Reflecting Personal Branding

The resume section goes beyond just listing job experiences; it reflects my personal branding. The design, layout, and content are aligned with the overall aesthetic and message of, creating a cohesive and memorable brand experience.

Ongoing Updates and Scalability

As evolves, so does the resume section. The use of custom fields and post-types allows for easy updates and additions, ensuring that the resume remains current and comprehensive.

The scalable nature of this setup means that as new technologies or design trends emerge, the resume section can be updated or reimagined without a complete overhaul, maintaining its relevance and impact.

The Blog: Leveraging GraphQL’s blog represents a forward-thinking approach to data handling and content management by leveraging GraphQL. This powerful query language has revolutionized how the blog retrieves and displays data, offering a more efficient and user-centric experience.

Introduction to GraphQL

What is GraphQL?: GraphQL is a query language for APIs, offering a more efficient, powerful, and flexible alternative to the traditional REST API. It allows clients to request exactly the data they need, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching issues.

Benefits Over REST: Unlike REST, which requires loading from multiple URLs, GraphQL queries access all the data your app needs in a single request. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for web applications like’s blog, where performance and user experience are paramount.

Implementation in’s Blog

Dynamic Data Retrieval: By using GraphQL, the blog can dynamically query and retrieve data based on user interactions or specific requirements. This capability ensures that the content is always tailored and up-to-date, enhancing the user experience.

Customizable Content Delivery: GraphQL’s flexible nature allows to design custom queries that fetch exactly the needed information without unnecessary data, making content delivery faster and more responsive.

Enhanced User Experience

Faster Loading Times: With GraphQL, the blog benefits from decreased loading times, as only the required data is fetched, making the browsing experience smoother and more enjoyable for the users.

Interactive and Dynamic Content: The ability to query specific data points enables the blog to present interactive and dynamic content, adapting to user preferences and behaviors for a more personalized experience.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

Easy to Scale: As grows, GraphQL’s ability to handle complex queries with ease ensures that the blog can scale without compromising performance or user experience.

Adaptability: GraphQL’s flexibility means that future changes or additions to the blog’s content structure can be easily accommodated, ensuring that the blog remains robust and adaptable to evolving requirements.

Developer Experience and Efficiency

Simplified Data Management: For developers, GraphQL simplifies data management by providing a clear and understandable description of the data in your API, allowing for more efficient development and maintenance.

Rapid Feature Development: With GraphQL, as the developer, I can quickly prototype and iterate on new features for the blog, as the front-end queries can be adjusted without backend changes, accelerating the development cycle.

Lessons Learned During the Build

The development of provided a wealth of learning opportunities, offering insights into best practices, effective problem-solving, and strategic planning in web development. Reflecting on these lessons learned during the build can provide valuable guidance for future projects and for other developers in the community.

Embracing Modern Technologies

Choosing the Right Stack: The decision to use NEXT.js and REACT for the frontend and leveraging GraphQL for data retrieval proved pivotal. It highlighted the importance of selecting the right technologies that align with the project’s goals and expertise.

Continuous Learning: The rapid evolution of web technologies necessitates ongoing learning. My ability to adapt and embrace new tools and frameworks was crucial for the successful relaunch of

Decoupling Frontend and Backend

Enhanced Flexibility: The decoupling process reinforced the value of flexibility in development, allowing for independent scaling and evolution of the frontend and backend.

Interdependency Awareness: While decoupling offers many benefits, it also requires a clear understanding of how the frontend and backend interact, emphasizing the need for comprehensive testing and communication.

Customization and Scalability

Future-Proofing: Developing custom fields and post-types for the resume section underscored the importance of building with scalability in mind, ensuring that the site can grow and adapt over time.

Balancing Customization with Maintainability: Custom solutions enhance functionality but also come with a maintenance cost. The build process taught the importance of striking a balance between bespoke features and long-term maintainability.

Leveraging AI in Development

Efficiency Gains: Using AI code completion tools like GitHub Copilot demonstrated the potential for AI to streamline the development process, reducing time spent on routine coding tasks.

Human Oversight: The experience also highlighted the necessity of human oversight when using AI tools, ensuring that the code remains clean, efficient, and aligned with the project’s objectives.

User-Centric Design

Performance Optimization: Lessons were learned about the importance of optimizing loading times and responsiveness, directly impacting user satisfaction and engagement.

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing

Comprehensive Documentation: Maintaining detailed documentation was invaluable, for troubleshooting and future development.

Sharing Knowledge: The project emphasized the benefits of sharing knowledge and experiences, whether through internal discussions, blog posts, or community engagement, fostering a culture of learning and collaboration.

AI Development Practices: GitHub Copilot Case Study

The integration of GitHub Copilot into the development process of serves as an illustrative case study of AI’s role in modern web development. This section explores the practical applications, benefits, challenges, and broader implications of using AI code completion tools in building sophisticated web applications.

Understanding GitHub Copilot

What is GitHub Copilot?: GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code completion tool that assists developers by suggesting code snippets and entire functions in real-time. It’s designed to improve productivity by reducing the time developers spend on routine coding tasks.

How it Works: Utilizing OpenAI’s Codex, GitHub Copilot analyzes the context of the code being written and suggests completions or solutions based on its learning from a vast array of open-source code repositories.

Integration in’s Development

Enhanced Productivity: As the developer for, I leveraged GitHub Copilot as an assistant that provided code suggestions, speeding up the coding process and allowing me to focus more on strategic tasks and problem-solving.

Quality and Consistency: Copilot helped maintain code quality and consistency by suggesting industry-standard practices and reducing the likelihood of errors or overlooked best practices.

Benefits and Advantages

Rapid Prototyping: GitHub Copilot enabled me to prototype features more quickly, providing instant suggestions that could be directly integrated or modified to suit the project’s needs.

Learning and Skill Development: From an educational perspective, I found that Copilot was not just a tool for efficiency but also an educational resource, offering insights into new approaches and techniques that they could learn and incorporate into their skill set. There were plenty of instances during the build that I found a suggestion was more efficiently structured than previously used methods in my toolbox.

As a serious engineer, I tend to look very closely at the advantages and disadvantages of each tool I consider adopting or recommend. I found that there were great advantages from a learning perspective. I found myself incorporating more semantic code into my code base, resulting in fewer issues. This ultimately became another additional factor into reduction of total initial release build time.

Challenges and Considerations

Dependency and Overreliance: One of the lessons learned was the importance of not becoming overly reliant on AI for coding decisions. Developers are needed to critically evaluate Copilot’s suggestions to ensure they aligned with the project’s specific requirements.

Code Originality: Ensuring that the code remains unique and proprietary was another consideration, as Copilot’s suggestions are based on a wide array of existing code. Again, as the principal engineer, I had to ensure that the integration of these suggestions did not infringe on originality or introduce unintended biases.

Broader Implications for Web Development

Shifting Development Paradigms: The case study of GitHub Copilot at reflects a broader shift in web development, where AI tools are becoming integral to the coding process, changing the role and skills of developers.

Ethical and Legal Considerations: The use of AI in coding also brings up ethical and legal considerations, particularly around copyright and the originality of code, which organizations need to navigate carefully.

Future Outlook

Evolving Role of AI in Development: As AI tools like GitHub Copilot become more sophisticated, their role in web development is expected to grow, potentially automating more complex aspects of coding and further transforming the development landscape.

Balancing AI and Human Expertise: The case study underscores the importance of finding the right balance between leveraging AI for efficiency and maintaining the critical oversight and creative input that human developers provide.

GitHub Copilot’s integration into the development of illustrates the potential of AI to enhance productivity and innovation in web development. This case study offers valuable insights into how developers can effectively leverage AI tools while addressing the challenges and considerations they bring, shaping the future of how websites are built and maintained.


The relaunch of marks a significant milestone in the site’s journey, showcasing a commitment to innovation, scalability, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies. As the site continues to evolve, it remains a testament to the endless possibilities of modern web development and a source of inspiration for developers and tech enthusiasts alike.


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