
Exploring the Latest Features in React

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John Schibelli
John Schibelli
Posted underREACTWeb Development

React, the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, is continuously evolving. As developers, staying up-to-date with the latest features is crucial for crafting efficient, modern web applications. In this article, we’ll delve into the newest features of React, unpacking their technicalities and practical applications to enhance your development workflow.

Concurrent Mode: A Game Changer

One of the most anticipated updates in React’s recent versions is Concurrent Mode. This is not just a feature but a whole new mode of rendering that allows React apps to be more responsive and performant.

Key Benefits of Concurrent Mode:

  1. Interruptible Rendering: This allows React to pause and resume the rendering work, making the main thread less blocked, which in turn makes the app feel more responsive.
  2. Selective Hydration: React can prioritize the hydration of components based on user interactions, which speeds up the time-to-interactive metric significantly.

Implementing Concurrent Mode:

This is a significant change from the traditional `ReactDOM.render(<App />, container)`.

New Hooks: Expanding Functional Component Capabilities

React’s introduction of Hooks has revolutionized functional components. The latest versions have added more hooks, providing greater flexibility and functionality.

useDeferredValue and useTransition

  • useDeferredValue: This hook helps in deferring the rendering of non-urgent values. It’s beneficial for maintaining performance during fast updates.
  • useTransition: This hook allows components to avoid undesirable loading states by providing smoother visual transitions.

Suspense for Data Fetching

Suspense, previously used for code splitting, is now extended for data fetching. This allows components to “wait” for something before rendering, enabling more streamlined data fetching and state management.

How to Use Suspense for Data Fetching:

Server Components (Experimental)

Server Components represent a significant shift in how components are rendered. They run on the server and send minimal JavaScript to the client. This approach reduces the amount of JS the client needs to download, parse, and execute, improving performance, especially on mobile devices.

Key Points:

  • They have .server.js extension.
  • Can fetch data directly from the backend.
  • Do not add to the client-side bundle size.


The latest features in React, like Concurrent Mode, new Hooks, Suspense for Data Fetching, and Server Components, represent significant strides in making web applications more performant and user-friendly. While some of these features are still experimental, they offer a glimpse into the future of React development, promising a more efficient and responsive way of building web interfaces.

As React continues to evolve, it’s essential for developers to keep pace with these changes, experimenting with new patterns and practices to stay at the forefront of modern web development.

React’s journey is an ongoing one, and these features are just the tip of the iceberg. For more deep dives into the ever-evolving world of web development, stay tuned to our blog. Happy coding!

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